Author Archives: SFX Mission

A great gift of God

Well, the mission trip is over. It’s hard to write about something that was so wonderful and full of experiences and learning. I am certain that this trip and the persons on it will remain in my heart and prayers for the rest of my life. It was an amazing experience to live with such

Only 2.5 days left in Peru…

Hola!  We finished up our last work day and are getting ready for our very last day in Piura.  Early Sunday morning we will leave for Lima where we will spend the day sightseeing before heading back to the States.  It’s definitely a bitter-sweet feeling; we’ve have had such an amazing experience here and are

Sunday Mass

Sunday: 6 Masses, 4 Priests, 3 Seminarians and 36 Missionaries. This morning we broke into two groups, pooled into the vans and drove to different churches where we were to say Mass. Each church was filled with Peruvian men, women and children, excited for the Mass to begin. Some churches had not had a Mass

Visiting the “Hogar”

Today some of us went to the Hogar, which is a home for young girls that are sent there for protection from the dangers of the jungle, and for schooling. I have made many friends, whom I  met the past two trips here. My friend Jola is one, and she will be leaving to go